Our Approach
Our work focuses around 5 pillars which work towards creating a culture of Alive Peace

In a culture of stress and burnout, more than ever we need spaces and experiences which help us relax, reflect and re-connect to ourselves.
Creativity & Play
To grow up, too often means to lose contact with our capacities for creativity and play. We cannot discover who we are without these essential superpowers.
Intimacy & Connection
If the world is disconnected and people feel alone, we must re-learn how to establish cultures of empathy, connection and intimacy. Some of our most fundamental needs are really about feeling seen, heard and understood as well as the universal longings for love, friendship and community.
Personal Development
Our shadows and unconscious sides often hold us back from our true potential, however also hold the secret keys to activating our gifts. A huge part of becoming our true alive selves is about understanding, healing and transforming our deep personal and collective shadows.
Purpose & Contribution
One of the deepest feelings of aliveness comes when we discover our true gifts and experience them being contributed to the benefit of others. This doesn’t have to be about starting an organisation or inventing something new, it can be about any moment of meaning which shifts the world in a more beautiful direction. Discovering our contribution to the world and designing our life around it is our ultimate purpose.